Ordering labels
We work with a bundle system, you purchase a bundle with labels from us. Every label is worth one analysis. The whole bundle will be invoiced at once after purchase. This keeps our administration costs low, so that we can give a discount when purchasing larger numbers. The bundles can be purchased in any size. The final number of samples determines in which price scale the bundle will be. Prices are per sample; so per young leaf sample, per old leaf sample or per water sample and is exclusive of VAT and any consultancy costs. When purchasing a bundle, the labels with unique barcodes will be sent, one label equals one analysis. Sample materials can also be purchased with the order (bags/bottles), for € 0.50 per sample. We use a shipping rate outside the Netherlands for sending these sample materials. The labels are valid for 1 year after the date of purchase.
Pre-printed labels on which the location, cultivation, crop and plant part are printed are the most practical, this also applies to the water samples. This brings the following benefits:
- The labels do not have to be filled in on the spot during sampling.
- When the information on the labels is handwritten, it can be difficult for our employees to read what is written, which can lead to writing errors and incorrect reports.
- With pre-printed labels the same location and cultivation always have the same name, which makes the analyses reports and graphs in Bemesting-Online more clear.
- Better advice can be given on the samples with pre-printed labels
- Ordering pre-printed labels can contribute to a structured sampling schedule for your crop/cultivation.
You can order by filling in the Excel format and sending it to info@novacropcontrol.nl. Contact us for any questions or for the pricelist. Send an e-mail, give a call or fill in the contact form.
Sampling guides
To realize reliable results, it is important to sample consistent. Please take following steps into consideration when sampling:
- The crop needs to be in the stage of full leaf tension, sample before 9 AM.
- Only sample dry leaves.
- Sample young and old leaves separately .
- For most crops a representative sample consists out of 30 leaves. See the specific sampling guides per crop for more details or contact us.
For many crops we have specific sampling guides, you can download them below.
If the crop you are looking for is not listed below, please contact us.
For watersamples we refer to the sampling guide water samples.
It is not allowed to send Citrus (leaves) and Grape (leaves) from outside the European Union to NovaCropControl!
Sampling manuals
It is important that samples are being shipped to NovaCropControl with care. If this is not done properly, the package may get delayed at customs or the samples arrive at NovaCropControl in poor condition. Therefore, keep the following points in mind:
- Make sure that all bags and bottles are tightly closed without air in them so that they do not leak.
- The samples are best sent in a box or a water resistant envelope. Make sure all samples are in one package so that all samples are delivered at the same time.
- Ship with a well-known courier company such as FedEx, DHL or UPS. This way the package can be followed with a track & trace code and you can easily contact the courier if the package is delayed.
- When you have to declare the value of the contents of the package, you must enter a low value such as €1.00. The samples have no value, it is the service you pay for.
- Please make sure our company name and address is written correctly.
Sending samples outside the European Union to the Netherlands
Packages sent from a country that is not a member of the European Union must meet certain requirements. These rules change regularly, so please read our shipping instructions regularly. Read for more information about sending samples from outside of Europe to NovaCropControl our shipment guide.
Make sure the following documents are attached to the outside of the package:
1. Airwaybill, this is the form with the barcode of the courier company.
2. Add a commercial invoice to the shipping documents. Click here for a template of a commercial invoice on which our company details and the plant sap and water samples are already filled in, you only have to fill in the yellow fields. For each type of good there is a different commodity code (Harmonized code):
- For plant sap samples this is: HS code 0604209000
- For water samples this is: HS code 28539010/y923
3. Complete the DOIV form (“Import Destructive Research do not open”) and fix it on the outside of the package.
4. NovaCropControl has an exemption for importing leaves, we recommend that you add this proof to the shipping documents. Download the S-Letter of Autorithy here.
You can follow the package with the track and trace code you have received. Packages from abroad are analyzed one day after arrival (those never arrive here before 9 AM). A day later you will receive the results by e-mail. Click here for more information about the results.
Address NovaCropControl:
Street: Nijverheidsweg 30
Postal code: 5061 KL
City: Oisterwijk
Country: The Netherlands
The ordered bundle will always be invoiced at once. This way we can keep our administration costs low. For sending the labels and sample materials we charge the shipping costs. If you sent samples to NovaCropControl without a label with barcode, they will be charged separately at a higher rate. This is because of the extra administration and registration costs we have.
Payments can be done by bank(wire) transfer. Credit cards or cheques are not accepted. NovaCropControl expects the customer to pay the bank charges. When the bank asks for this, you must therefore choose OUR and not SHA (shared) or BEN (beneficent).
All information needed to make a bank transfer will be sent by email together with the invoice. If you have any questions or comments regarding an invoice, please contact us by calling 013-5902864 or email office@novacropcontrol.nl.